Master Classes
We offer master classes here at Artistry in Motion, we have world renowned dancers come and teach master classes. Some of our upcomming master classes include Balta Monkiki, Robert Hoffman, Emma Bradley and more!
Master Class Schedule for November
date time teacher Description Age
13/11/15 5 to 6:30 Balta Monkiki int jazz funk / street Jazz 6+
13/11/15 5 to 6 Erica Ogle Tiny Tots rock 2 to 10
13/11/15 7 to 8:30 Balta Monkiki Adv Jazz funk / street Jazz 10+
13/11/15 7 to 8:30 jennifer perez Acting workshop 4+
14/11/15 12 to 1:30 Balta Monkiki House 6+
14/11/15 12 to 1 Erica Ogle Tiny Tots rock 4+
14/11/15 2 to 3:30 Balta Monkiki Waacking 6+
14/11/15 2 to 2:30 Jennifer Perez Acting workshop 6+